Hard Times

December 08, 2014  •  15 Comments

My favorite heron lake is at the lowest level I've ever seen it. That entire area in the foreground is normally under water. With an air temperature of 15 degrees, much of the remaining water was frozen. That makes things a bit difficult for the resident herons. This particular heron was standing in one of the few open pools in the lake. It's all part of living with Ma Nature.


1/20 sec. f/8 ISO 400 1/20 sec. f/8 ISO 400


Sherry in MT(non-registered)
I didn't realize you had herons year round! I love this photo for all the emotions it creates.
Amy Burzese
Ma Nature can be hard on everyone sometimes.
It is a lovely scene with the lone heron.. I do hope you have some rain soon.. Great shot, enjoy your day!
Stephanie's Images(non-registered)
Hope you get some rain or snow to get that water level back up. It does make for a beautiful image though.
Pamela Gordon(non-registered)
That is really low! I hope you get some rain or snow to bring it back up this winter. I'm surprised it's that cold there too. It was -19C (zeroF) here this morning but we have a warm spell coming for a few days with temperatures above freezing and rain. What snow we have will melt again!
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