Fire Clouds

November 20, 2015  •  15 Comments

Sunset reflecting off a large cloud formation.

1/160 sec. f/8 ISO 100 1/160 sec. f/8 ISO 100

Linking to Skywatch Friday


Ida P. Krause(non-registered)
Two Thumbs Up! - Love the big puffy and colorful clouds. They are amazing.
Such dramatic clouds and stunning colors. Very nicely done.
Sherry in MT(non-registered)
Love love big firey clouds (when not associated with any actual fire)! :)
Stewart Monckton(non-registered)
That really is a wonderful cloudscape - I think they would call it Alpenglow when it happens on mountains.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

PS: my slowness to comment and visit has been caused by a trip to an island in the Pacific!
Awesome capture. They really do look to be on fire. Kudos to you on one fine shot.
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