Good Fences Gone Bad

April 02, 2015  •  13 Comments

1/320 sec. f/5.6 ISO 100 1/320 sec. f/5.6 ISO 100


1/640 sec. f/4 ISO 100 1/640 sec. f/4 ISO 100


1/200 sec. f/6.3 ISO 100 1/200 sec. f/6.3 ISO 100

Linking to Good Fences



Stewart M(non-registered)
I actually think these could be when bad fences go good!


Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
Barb Hale(non-registered)
I love those. Looks like the vines are trying to knit the fences back together. Great stuff!
Grandma Barb(non-registered)
Love the rust and the vines on the fences!
Ida P. Krause(non-registered)
Wow those vines really did a number on the fencing. - It's wild for sure but pretty cool.
I love the vines and the rusty barbed wire strung along the top of the equally rusty chain link fence.
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