Play Misty For Me

June 28, 2015  •  12 Comments

1/100 sec. f/5.6 ISO 100 1/100 sec. f/5.6 ISO 100


1/80 sec. f/5.6 ISO 100 1/80 sec. f/5.6 ISO 100

Mist rolling over the Blue Ridge Mountains after a passing rain storm.


Ida P. Krause(non-registered)
These are wonderful. You've captured the "moody" feel of the mist perfectly. Now the movie (Play Misty For Me) is another story all together, first time I saw that it scared me to death. These however are not scary at all.
Sherry in MT(non-registered)
Wow those are quite the interesting skies to be sure. Nice shots!
Stunning scenery. You do beautiful work, Brian.
Daniel LaFrance(non-registered)
What a view. I love the openness and landscape. I can imagine you felt the freshness in the breeze too.
Barb Hale(non-registered)
What a great vantage point you had! These are fabulous!
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