Lean On Me

July 26, 2015  •  13 Comments

1/8 sec. f/4 ISO 400 1/8 sec. f/4 ISO 400


1/15 sec. f/4 ISO 800 1/15 sec. f/4 ISO 800


Ida P. Krause(non-registered)
Fantastic find. - Nature finds a way for sure.
Fascinating...and gorgeous!
Rose L.(non-registered)
In the first shot it kinda looks like the tree is humping the rock! I know, I know. An old lady my age should not say that. Ha ha!
Pamela Gordon(non-registered)
With your title caption I thought you were referring to the two trees tight against each other until I scrolled further down and saw the on leaning on the rock. Amazing how they'll grow around and over things. A nice find.
awesome, i love the texture in the tree....this is adaptation at it's finest!! and once again, you rocked the title!!!
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