Morning Silhouettes

January 15, 2016  •  14 Comments

This first photo of a sunrise at the edge of town was taken at a focal length of 24mm. At the left side of the horizon is the silhouette of a barn. On the right just past center is a tractor-trailer and to the right of that is a bucket lift.


1/60 sec. f/4 ISO 100


The second photo was taken at a focal length of 105mm.


1/160 sec. f/4 ISO 100


Linking to Skywatch Friday


Very nice skies
What a gorgeous sky! I love sunrise but I'm really not a morning person.
Gorgeous sunrise photos.
what a difference a change in focal length can make in two photos. You can really see the bucket lift in the second one as well as the big truck. These are beautiful sunrise shots.
Ida P. Krause(non-registered)
Awesome job with the silhouettes. My favorite here is the 2nd shot. The sky is so pretty and I love the truck. I wonder if you cropped it to showcase just the truck what it would look like.
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