The Pick Up

January 19, 2016  •  17 Comments

This Ring-billed gull made a quick dive from about 40 feet and snagged a small fish.


Ring-billed Gull1/1000 sec. f/6.3 ISO 400


Ring-billed Gull1/1000 sec. f/6.3 ISO 400


Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday


Ida P. Krause(non-registered)
You are amazing to capture things like this at just the right moment.
Your first capture is the kind of shot I'm always trying to get. Well done!
You have an amazing eye for lines. Nice capture!
Stewart Monckton(non-registered)
Nice shots - I'm always surprised at the ability of birds to snatch fish from water. I have a bag full of gear, and the birds still out-fish me!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
Stephanie's Images(non-registered)
Super shots.
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