Old School

October 27, 2016  •  12 Comments


Kentucky has more stone fences than any place in the country, though only a small percentage are still standing. Some of them date back to the 19th century. Dry Stone Conservancy in Lexington is dedicated to preserving existing structures and continuing the art of dry stone construction.


1/50 sec. f/11 ISO 400


1/40 sec. f/8 ISO 1600


1/30 sec. f/8 ISO 400


1/50 sec. f/11 ISO 800


Linking to Good Fences



What a charming road!
I feel like I am looking at past history. The stone fences (walls?) are extremely impressive.
I have always loved me some stone fences and this one is surely a beauty.
One of the things that I love about living in Kentucky. Dry stone fences are such treasure. Great photos.
Tom The Backroads Traveller(non-registered)
created by a master
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