In Sync...Almost

April 26, 2016  •  20 Comments


No, I don't mean the boy band. If you have no idea what that means, you're either my age or older or you don't follow pop culture, both of which are perfectly fine. If the goose on the far side had managed to get those wings in sync with the near goose it would have been completely hidden. As it is, if you stare at the photo long enough it creates a bit of an optical illusion. Does the near goose have both wings up, is it leaning with the right wing down and the left wing up, or does it have four wings? And if you're actually doing that right now you must not have anything better to do. :-)


Canada Geese1/1250 sec. f/7.1 ISO 400


Canada Geese

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday


Connie Smiley(non-registered)
What a capture!
Sherry in MT(non-registered)
Haha that is a freaking incredible shot!
dang Brian, it sure looks like one goose but has to be two. how in the world are their heads exactly together like that.
Excellent optical trick. Great photo!
Ida P. Krause(non-registered)
This is super cool! - You captured this at the perfect moment.
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