Ice Man

February 05, 2018  •  8 Comments


Great Blue Heron 1/500 sec. f/7.1 ISO 100


Great Blue Heron 1/500 sec. f/10 ISO 200


Juvenile Great Blue Heron

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday



Ida P. Krause(non-registered)
He's a brave bird. Fantastic shots.
Lea @ Lea's Menagerie(non-registered)
He should have migrated! Hope there is open water nearby for him to fish
Wonderful photos!
Tanya Breese(non-registered)
Super cool shots!
Valerie, Australia(non-registered)
Looks like the poor thing could use a hot water bottle to thaw out those frozen feet! Great shots - thank you for sharing.
Betty Crow(non-registered)
He sure looks cold with his feathers all fluffed out. Awesome shots!
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