Halloween Ready

October 28, 2019  •  4 Comments


Red-winged Blackbird 1/320 sec. f/6.3 ISO 2000


Blue Jay 1/500 sec. f/6.3 ISO 500


Northern Cardinal 1/640 sec. f/6.3 ISO 500


Red-winged Blackbird, Blue Jay, female Cardinal

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday



awwwww..the poor guys.... 'outed' in their worst condition.... you can tell by the look on their faces they are hoping you won't post their pics....
Stewart M(non-registered)
They would scare the feathers off most things I think!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
hehehehehe, these are AWESOME!!! i thought you were going to show us your halloween costume!!
I always admire your nature photograph. These tree are awesome.
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