These are all iPhone photos of some random things. The two trees below are on a golf course. There were some other nice looking trees, but I didn't take time to photograph them as I was busy watching our daughter play in a tournament.
Golf course tree1/242 sec. f/1.8 ISO 20
1/303 sec. f/2.8 ISO 20
These photos were taken inside a bourbon distillery I toured with a good friend.
Limestone Distillery 1/30 sec. f/1.8 ISO 40
Limestone Distillery1/15 sec. f/1.8 ISO 50
These are two tiny frogs - one was resting on a sunflower leaf and the other was sitting on a landscaping stone.
Frog1/578 sec. f/1.8 ISO 20
Frog1/292 sec. f/1.8 ISO 20
And this is #36 who came over to say hi.
Cow1/120 sec. f/2.8 ISO 160
Cow1/120 sec. f/2.8 ISO 100
Linking to My Corner of the World
and Nature Thursday